

Safe Sleep

In November 2016, AAP updated their recommendations for safe sleep in infants. One of these safety measures advocates against bed-sharing as it poses in increased risk for fatal sleeping accidents. Our job as pediatricians is to guide our families. Below you will find a list of recommendations for safe sleep. Room sharing (not bed-sharing) Supine…

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Asthma, explained.

Asthma is a common illness that affects mainly lower airway structures. Its incidence varies widely since it is largely affected by environmental factors. Exposure to environmental toxins such as air pollutants and tobacco smoke, contribute directly and indirectly to airway inflammation, a large component of this disease and the so called “asthma attack”. When a…

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Acute Otitis Media (Ear Infection)

Acute otitis media (AOM), is an inflammatory process in the middle ear. Effusions or fluid in the middle ear occur when the eustachian tube cannot drain properly, typically because of edema triggered by infections most common viral. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis are the most common bacterial pathogens in AOM. Symptoms associated with AOM are fever, ear…

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Does my child have ADHD?

Diagnosing ADHD in a child is a multi-step process. There is no single test to diagnose ADHD, and many other diagnoses, like anxiety, depression, and learning disabilities, can have similar symptoms. If ADHD is not accompanied by any other comorbidity, a pediatrician can often make the diagnosis. Its is recommended by AAP that healthcare professionals…

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